Bluebird Nest Box Survey - 09 Apr 1988

Date: 9 April 1988   Sterling State Park, Monroe, MI
Time in: 1030 hrs.   Time out: 1230 hrs.
Weather: sunny, clear, 60f. Winds 5-10 from west.
Bluebird Trail Nest Box Survey

* walking trail
#1 - empty/clean
#2 - missing still
#3 - empty/clean
#4 - empty/clean
#5 - empty/clean
#6 - empty/clean

- "roosting box by parking lot has either tree swallow or house       sparrow nesting in it.  Too high up to clean."
- "lots of tree swallows actively nesting in tree holes along the trail west of the parking lot."
- "saw 4-5 Blue-winged Teal in side channel near golf course and          towers."

* berm area
#5 - Tree Swallow nesting in box; white feathers and deep-packed nest.
     eggs present (don't know how many). Didn't clean!
#6 - same as #5. Didn't clean!
#7 - empty/clean
#8 - empty/clean
#9 - empty/clean

- "saw Eastern Meadowlark in tree near #5."
- "pair of Mute Swans nesting on a floating pile of twigs out in large
   pond south of the parking lot/walking trail."

* park entrance
#1 - House Sparrows starting nest; female seen leaving box; male            nearby; nest of twigs woven together was removed and scattered
#2 - empty/clean
#3 - empty/clean
#4 - empty/clean
#5 - empty/clean
#6 - empty/clean
#7 - empty/clean

* peterson boxes by office
#2 - empty/clean
#3 - Tree Swallow nest; no eggs; cleaned out

Sterling SP, Monroe, Michigan, US
Apr 9, 1988 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Checklist Comments:     Erie Shores Birding Association Bluebird Nest Box Trail - survey. DATE: 9 APRIL 1988   STERLING STATE PARK, MONROE, MI
TIME IN: 1030 HRS.   TIME OUT: 1230 HRS.


5 species

Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)  2     nesting
Blue-winged Teal (Spatula discors)  4
Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)  14     3 nest boxes out of 20 bluebird boxes
House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)  2     nesting
Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna)  1

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