Discussion of LBDO vs. SBDO in Fall - 27 Sep 2004

27 September 2004 Discussion regarding LB vs. SB Dowitcher

CD is in the mail and should be in your hands by Wednesday.

<-----Original Message----->

From: calebandsara@comcast.net
Sent: 9/24/2004 10:06:41 AM
To: jourdaj@mail2world.com
Subject: Re: Dowitcher pics


Thanks very much. If you don't mind though, please go ahead and mail me a burnt copy of the highest quality originals for use in the article. 

Mailing Address:
1522 Valley NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

I'm not surprised people told you these are all Short-Billeds. That is a very common misidentification in the Great lakes and mid-Atlantic coast regions in late July-early September. All your birds are Long-Billed Dowitchers, and these are not even particularly tough individuals to identify (as some LBDO canbe!). 

For starters, only Long-Billeds molt their remiges away from the coast (Atlantic or Gulf or Pacific coasts). Short-Billeds only molt them once arriving at the coast. Secondly, the remaining alternate plumage on your birds all point to LBDO (especially the barred appearance of the sides of the breast [not spotted as in SBDO], the long bills with noticable decurve toward tip, and clear red unmarked center of underparts). 

My specimen study included over 600 specimens of all subspecies of SBDO
and the monotypic LBDO. Many birders do not realize that LBDO is to be expected in small #s in our region each fall, at select molting/staging areas. Anyway, your photos are very illuminating and appropriate for my article, which addresses everything I just mentioned to you. I think I am going to be able to fit them in. Thanks again!

Caleb Putnam