Piping Plover Recovery Update - 18 Oct 2004

18 October 2004 Status of Piping Plovers in Michigan – from Daryl Aspery

2004 was a banner year for the Great Lakes population of Piping Plovers with a record number of pairs and young fledged in the wild. 
Here is a summary of 2004 nesting efforts: 

# pairs # fledged Michigan, lower peninsula 

Ludington State Park 3 10 
Sleeping Bear Dunes NL, mainland 12 18 
Sleeping Bear Dunes NL, North Manitou 7 18 
South Fox Island 1 4 
Fisherman's Island State Park 1 2 
Cross Village and Bliss townships 9 12 
Wilderness State Park 9 7 
High and Beaver Islands 3 2 

Michigan, upper peninsula 

Pointe Aux Chenes 4 8 
Port Inland area 3 10 
Grand Marais 2 2 
Vermilion 1 0 
Total 55 93 

Including 10 Captive Reared birds 103 

There was much to be excited about in the 2004 Great Lakes Piping Plover 
breeding season. We documented: 

* greatest number of breeding pairs recorded since listing (55 pairs) 
* greatest number of chicks fledged in wild since listing (93 fledged) 
* recolonization of South Fox Island in Lake Michigan 
* return of large numbers of young from 2002 and 2003 
* exploration and use of new habitats by Piping Plovers on lakes Huron, Michigan 
and Superior 
* an increase in population by >300% since listing in 1986; Great Lakes Piping Plovers are ~1/3 way to recovery goal of 150 pairs.