Remembering 2004 - 31 Dec 2004

31 December 2004 Prologue

As the end of the year approaches I’ve been thinking about the year of birding.  I’d have to say it was a great year for birding.  

I’ve finally built an adapter for the Nikon Coolpix CP990 and have gotten wonderful images digiscoping.  Images have been posted at and I’ve gotten some nice compliments.  

Robin bought me a Nikon D70 DSLR so I have a nice camera setup again (after the 8008 fiasco) with the Sigma 400mm f/5.6.  

Highlights of the year include:
Red-necked Grebe on the Detroit River in early Feb.
Short-eared Owl at Pt. Mouillee in early Mar.
Hawaii cruise in Feb/March – Nene, Brown Noddy, Fairy Terns, Pacific Golden Plovers
Marsh Wrens at Pt. Mouillee (April)
American Bitterns at Pt. Mouillee (May)
Winter Wrens and Swamp Sparrows at Grass River NA (July)
Finally photographing Pectoral and Stilt Sandpipers at Pt. Moo.
Photographing Long-billed and Short-billed Dowitchers for Caleb Putnam article (pending).
Wilson's Snipe at Oakwoods Metropark (April) and Rockwood Landfill (October)
Yellow-headed Blackbird and Wilson’s Phalaropes at Pt. Moo in May
Hudsonian Godwit, Red Knots, Solitary Sandpipers, Black-bellied and Golden Plovers at Pt. Mouillee and Wilderness State Park.
American White Pelicans at Pt. Mouillee,
Long-eared Owls at LEMP
Becoming familiar with bird calls
Snow Buntings and Lapland Longspurs at Wilderness State Park
King Eider, Harlequin Ducks at Pt. Huron
Savannah Sparrows at Wyandotte Shores Golf course
LeConte’s Sparrow at Wilderness State Park in Nov.

Happy New Year!