"Peent" - 09 Apr 2005

09 April 2005 Crosswinds Marsh, Wayne Co.

0300 Hrs.  Its 3 am and neither Robin nor I can sleep.  I decide to take a drive down to Crosswinds Marsh and listen for Woodcock ‘peenting’.  As I drift down Haggerty Rd to Arkona Rd I hear a pair of American Woodcock ‘peenting’ in the field on my left (east).  

A short drive later and I hear a third bird peenting off in the distance.  Since I forgot my flashlight its too dark to do anything so at 4:50 am I decide to drive back home and go to bed.

Crosswinds Marsh, Wayne, Michigan, US

Apr 9, 2005 3:00 AM - 5:00 AM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Checklist Comments:     Its 3am and neither Robin nor I can sleep.  I decide to take a drive down to Crosswinds Marsh and listen for Woodcock ‘peenting’.
1 species

American Woodcock (Scolopax minor)  3     As I drift down Haggerty Rd to Arkona Rd I hear a pair of Woodcock ‘peenting’ in the field on my left (east).  A short drive later and I hear a third bird peenting off in the distance.  Since I forgot my flashlight its too dark to do anything so at 4:50 am I decide to drive back home and go to bed.

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