Pt. Mouillee CLOSED! - 10 Jul 2005

10 July 2005 Pt. Mouillee SGA, Monroe Co.

Some e-mails regarding access to Pt. Moo after the bombings in London earlier this week. This is the reply I received from Joe who is the Refuge Manager of Pt. Mouillee. I hope this help for those who wish to carry Scope and Camera out in Pt. Mouillee From Robert's Road.
Tim Smart>
To: <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 10:25:55 -0400
Subject: Fw: [birders] Re: Pt. Moo question -important
Message-ID: <>
I had a couple of calls on Friday about this.  I called the person in charge of the program and let them know what was going on and to tell the security guards they can not deny foot access.  A conservation officer also went down to talk to the Security guard because he received complaints also.
>>> <> 07/08/2005 3:44 PM >>>
I thought you like to read this posting.

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Craig <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2005 09:25:02 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [birders] Re: Pt. Moo question -important

I went to Point Mouillee today. There was a new
security guard there, not to watch for robbers, but
terrorists. Because of the Fermi nuclear power plant,
she saw out cameras and did not let us in the south
causeway at Roberts Rd. When we asked if we could put
our cameras away and go and she said yes. Then she
decided to call her boss for about the third time and
decided we couldn't go down there at all anymore. If
She would not let two 15 year old and a mom through
I'm sure they won't let anyone through there until the
terror alert level goes down. It's very coincidental
how the article on birders being a security risk and
the London Blasts leading to this. I was looking
forward to going there all week. Good "non-terrorist"
Craig Bateman
Novi, MI    15