Whimbrels in MI - 23-24 May 2008
It's May 26th and I'm still down in Florida at Disney. For the first time since leaving MI on the 22nd I checked my e-mail and learned that I missed (once again) the Whimbrel migration through MI.
- Greg Norwood reported that 85 or so Whimbrels were observed flying over the Detroit River on the 22nd.
- Alan Ryff replied to his message w/ a personal report from 27 May 2006 of 500+ Whimbrels in Macomb Co.
- On the 24th of May 2007 66 Whimbrel were seen at Pt. Mouillee for a single day only before moving on north.
- So, it was with mixed feelings that I read Craig Bateman's/Kevin Welsh's report of 4 Whimbrel at Pt. Mouillee on the 24th of May 2008.
Since I won't be home 'till the 29th of May I'm guessing that I'll miss any chance of seeing Whimbrels again this year! Oh, well. Congratulations Greg, Craig, Kevin, and Will Weber, who also saw 2-3 Whimbrel in Cell 3 on the 24th.
© 2008 J.S. Jourdan