Willow Run Airport - 29 May 2009

I had to take Robin's mom to the airport this morning, and decided to make a quick loop through Willow Run Airport with the windows down before heading back to work. From the Tyler Rd. entrance I was able to quickly hear Bobolink singing in the field just east of the airport, and saw a male perched atop the fence nearby. Savannah Sparrows were abundant along the perimeter fence, as well as several Eastern Meadowlarks. A surprise bird was a singing Prairie Warbler in the woods just before the road jogs to the west. Fireworks were being lit somewhere from the burm areas to the south of the property. Neither Upland Sandpiper nor Grasshopper Sparrow were seen or heard.

Willow Run Airport (restricted access), Wayne, Michigan, US
May 29, 2009 8:00 AM - 8:20 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)
4 species

Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis)  12
Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus)  3
Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna)  6
Prairie Warbler (Setophaga discolor)  1     A surprise bird was a singing Prairie Warbler in the woods just before the road jogs to the west. singing a buzzy "Zee-zee-zee-ZI" that ascends with each note.

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