Birding @ the Detroit Zoo - 25 Oct 2009

I've always made it a point w/ this blog to report only bird sightings. So my personal ethics were challenged this past Sunday when Robin and I visited the Detroit Zoo. It was a wonderful day, and we saw (and photographed) lots of animals. So I'm facing the dilemna of showing my favorite animal pics, or just sticking w/ the bird photos I took.

After a long, personal struggle I decided to stick to my ethics and show only my bird photos. So here they are:

Blackburnian Warbler (male, I think....)

Golden Eagle (check out those talons!)

Snow Goose (note the grin patch)

Savannah Sparrow (at rest)

Red-faced Warbler (rare for these parts)

Black-and-White Warbler

and finally, a Marbled Godwit (note the two-toned, upturned bill).

Good birding!