Lake Erie Vulture Watch! - 11 Oct 2009

After recording a 16-species raptor day yesterday, Jeff Schultz invited folks out to the boat launch at Lake Erie Metropark for what should be another great day of Hawk Watching. I bit, and headed down LEMP with the hopes of seeing at least a few of the birds that he reported. It would turn out to be a near-record day for Turkey Vultures.

I arrived at the boat launch ~ 9 am and found Jeff already at work, having recorded an early Goshawk just a few minutes earlier. Will Weber arrived shortly thereafter and the three of us waited for hawks to start moving. Blue Jays were streaming by the hundreds along the trees to the north and crossing the water at a steady pace. A few Turkey Vultures were also making an appearance near the Trenton Power Plant stacks. But otherwise, things were quiet.

At about 10 am a massive kettle of Turkey Vultures appeared over Celeron Island to the south, and soon several more kettles formed across the horizon. Soon birds were streaming to the north toward us, and within a half-hour were passing directly overhead by the hundreds. As far as we could look Turkey Vultures were massing and crossing. Jeff had been correct in predicting that the winds would bring them over us instead of Pt. Mouillee.

For the next hour his counter was clicking at a frantic pace while a small crowd us scanned for other birds. Red-tailed Hawks, Sharp-shinned Hawks, Bald Eagle, Merlin, and dark-phased Broadwinged Hawks were reported, along with a dark-phased Rough-legged Hawk.

I managed a few photos of the vultures as they passed overhead, but could not do the sheer numbers of birds justice with the 400mm lens. Digiscoping was out of the question as the birds were either too far focus or too close to track. Still, a few captures were made, and memories recorded. By the time I left (a bit before noon) close to 6000 Turkey Vultures were counted, with many more birds still massing to the southeast. I'll have to wait 'till tomorrow to get the tally since I couldn't get back there this afternoon. Thanks for a great morning, Jeff!