WPBO Spring Fling is 27-29 Apr 2012

Merlin digiscoped in Paradise, MI, April 2007

This coming weekend is Whitefish Point Bird Observatory's annual Spring Fling! The annual Bird Festival is a great opportunity to see some of the last remnants of boreal birds, as well as early migrating loons, shorebirds and passerines.  Details of the Spring Fling can be found here.

Richard Crossley, author of the wildly popular The Crossley ID Guide to Eastern Birds, will be the keynote speaker Saturday nite at the banquet. For those of you who may not be entirely familiar w/ this revolutionary field guide, I've written a review here:

Bob Pettit (Galapagos Island Adventure) and I (Budget Bird Photography) will be giving workshops on Saturday morning and afternoon.  Owl prowls Friday nite and Saturday nite (after the banquet), as well as birding tours Saturday and Sunday morning should be a hoot!

Hope to see you there!