Fox Sparrow! - 09 Apr 2015

I came home at noon today for lunch and noticed a rufous-tailed sparrow flush from the fence line in the back yard. It was raining and the bird flew over Michelle's fence. I suspected Fox Sparrow but needed confirmation so I camped in the window while I ate my hummus (hopefully not recalled-for-Listeria-hummus).

As the rain poured I finally spotted the bird near the back feeder but moving toward the window. It was soaked and looking less-than-foxy...

Still, a very nice bird for Wyandotte. It would reappear briefly after work before heavy rains returned.

2506 21st Street, Wyandotte, Wayne, Michigan, US
Apr 9, 2015 12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
Protocol: Stationary
Checklist Comments:     Yard; Raining
1 species

Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca)  1

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