2021 Top 10 - 27 Dec 2021

Daryl Bernard put out the call for Michigan Birders to list their Top 10 sightings for 2021. So, in the spirit of cooperation I scrolled through my blog posts and listed my favorite 10 birds in reverse chronological order. Of course, I also had to add a handful of Honorable Mentions.

1. Purple Sandpiper - this Pt. Mouillee visitor has been a nemesis shorebird for many years! Thanks to Justin Labadie for finding this state rarity. 17 Dec 2021.

2. Golden Eagle - Jerry Jourdan and Golden Eagles have been diametrically opposed since forever. So, it was a miracle when I spotted this beauty soaring over Lake Erie Metropark on 11 Nov 2021.

3. Buff-breasted Sandpiper - props to Josh Tally for finding this beauty on 03 Oct 2021 at the Union Camp Marsh of Sterling State Park, Monroe Co.

4. Philadelphia Vireo - it had been so long since I've seen on I forgot how to differentiate them from Warbling and Red-eyed Vireos. Lake Erie Metropark, 19 Sep 2021.

5. Connecticut Warbler - wow, I actually found a bird by myself. This Connecticut Warbler was posing for me at Lake Erie Metropark after remaining invisible for many a spring migration. 12 Sep 2021

6. Common Nighthawk - only because it is the finest photo I'll take of one such subject in my lifetime. Lake Erie Metropark, Wayne Co., 06 Sep 2021.

7. Roseate Spoonbill - everyone's find of the year. A State of Michigan 1st Record found in Saline, MI it was a chase worth a flat tire. 17 Jul 2021

8. Neotropic Cormorant - Wayne Co's first record was found at the newly-opened Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge! 03 Jul 2021

9. Wilson's Phalaropes - courting, mating and fledging young at Lake Erie Metropark, Wayne Co., was a surrealistic experience in 2021. Major props to the maintenance crew for mowing around the birds during their time in the park!

10. Eared Grebe - found in Wyandotte this was a nice February bird to photograph and digiscope just minutes from work. 

And, my honorable mentions:

Orchard Oriole was the yard favorite in 2021

Blue Grosbeak at Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge was a wonderful find for the newly-opened refuge

Lapland Longspurs at the DRIWR 

Short-eared Owls at Pt. Mouillee SGA

Ross's Goose and Cackling Goose in same frame at Lake Erie Metropark

I'd be remiss if I didn't include the blessing that was What's App! It allowed me to meet and follow some great birders as they chased county records and report rare finds. 

Looking forward to new adventures in 2022! Happy New Year.